I grew up with a very woo sort of mom and a very logical dad, and while I was always amazed by my mother, I identified much more with my dad’s way of approaching the world. I loved facts and science and being able to provide evidence to back up the things I believed. I was very skeptical of anything that could not be proven.
Despite my intellectual bent, I felt perpetually drawn towards the spiritual. Even as I rejected strict religious traditions and felt weird when someone talked about picking up on other people’s energy or connecting with their spirit guides, I wasn’t willing to accept an agnostic life, free of some deeper meaning and purpose. Over time, I developed my own very personal spirituality and understanding of the way the Universe works, leaning into things that felt good to believe, and shying away from things that felt off to me. Little did I know that this ability to sense the resonance of some ideas over others was my intuition, guiding me towards the truth in a form that most served my own growth.
When my mom died in 2010, my movement towards the spiritual, and my willingness to trust in things I could not prove, accelerated. I had several experiences around her death that felt so real and powerful to me that denying the existence of my connection with things beyond my current space and time no longer felt tenable. I was connected to her spirit in the absence of her body. There was something peaceful waiting for her even though I had no way to demonstrate that to anyone. I knew it in my bones. And yet I still did not think of myself as intuitive or sensitive to other people’s energy, though I really wished that I was.

When I was ready, though, the Universe sent me several people in a row who very clearly recognized my ‘spidey-sense’ and called it out for me. Thanks to these tiny interventions, I started to open up to the possibility that maybe I actually was intuitive.
What I have come to understand since then is that every one of us has the capacity to pick up on the constant flow of guidance coming to us, and the medium through which we receive and interpret that information is our body. The more tuned into our bodies we become, the more aware we become of that guidance. The more we learn about what things lead us to ignore or override our guidance, the more we can learn to intentionally reconnect to our bodies when we need answers.
What I also know is that growing our intuitive abilities serves us in every aspect of our lives. When we learn to stay connected to that stream of wisdom and guidance, we are able to move through life with more ease, and trust that even the scrapes and heartache we face along the way are a critical part of the experience we’re meant to have. As we learn to release our old, conditioned beliefs and free ourselves up to be the one-of-a-kind souls we came here to be, relationships that don’t serve us fall away or get right-sized, and the ones that nurture us flourish and thrive. We shed the chronic sense guilt, resentment, and anxiety that characterizes so many of our lives, and spend more and more time filled with a deep sense of well-being. We become less rattled by the ups and downs that are an inevitable part of life, and stop being controlled of our own fear.
The great news is that we, as a society, are starting to wake up to the idea that we are actually spiritual beings having a human experience, and that this kind of wisdom is available to everyone. More and more people are hungry to establish a deep connection with something larger than themselves, and are ready to know first hand that experiential truth and inner knowing are just as valid, if not more so, than the intellectual kind we’ve revered for so long.
I do this work for them.